

Do not harbor sinister designs.
Think honestly and truthfully.
The Way is in training.
One must continue to train.
Cultivate a wide range of interests in the ten skills and ten arts.
Then one can definitely find the benefits of hyoho and develop oneself.
Be knowledgeable in a variety of occupations, and learn
the thinking of people who work in them.
Know the difference between loss and gain in worldly matters.
Nurture the ability to perceive the truth in all matters.
It is important to build up an intuitive judgement and understand true values.
Be aware of those things which cannot be easily seen with the eye.
Develop intuitive judgement and a mind that freely controls one's body.
Do not be negligent, but pay attention even to the smallest details.
Keep them in mind all the time, so as to avoid unexpected failure.
Do not engage in useless activity. Do not argue about useless things.
Concentrate on your duties.
I never wish to have any estate that would make my old age comfortable.
I worship Gods and Buddhas, but never think of depending on them.
I would sooner lay down my life than disgrace my good name.
Never for a moment does my heart and soul stray from the way of swordsmanship.


I never act contrary to traditional morality.
I have no partiality for anyone or anything.
I never try to snatch a moment of ease.
I think little of myself but much of the public.
I am entirely free of acquisitiveness throughout my life.
I never regret what I have done.
I never envy others for their good luck, or on account of my ill luck.
I never grieve at parting from anyone or anything at whatever time.
I never reproach either myself or others; never complain about myself or others.
I never dream of falling in love with a woman.
Likes and dislikes, I have none.
Whatever my dwelling house may be, I take no objection to it.
I never desire dainty food for myself.
I never have antique objects or curios in my posession.
I never perform purification or observe abstinence to protect myself against evils.
I have no taste for implements of any kind, excepting swords and other arms.
I would never grudge my life in the cause of righteousness.